- Art
- English
- World Language
- Mathematics
- Performing Arts
- Physical Education
- Science
- Social Studies
- Special Education
VISUAL ART 1: Do you want to learn how to draw, paint, and design? Well then, VISUAL ART 1 is the class for you! This fundamental art class for 7th and 8th grade students introduces art theory and practice, elements of art, and principles of design as you produce a variety of two and three dimensional art forms and media such as drawing, painting, graphic design, and printmaking, as well as an introduction to art history, art appreciation and careers in art. Students will explore and develop their personal creativity, problem solving skills and confidence as they learn about art.
VISUAL ART 2: If you enjoyed VISUAL ART 1, then hold on to your hat! VISUAL ART 2 takes students farther into the elements of art and principles of design, only this time there is more room for personal creativity and expression. In this yearlong advanced art class, students will be exposed to new mediums, and new skills regarding both 2 and 3 dimensional art, but the emphasis now is placed more upon developing those learned ideas and techniques. Higher-level thinking techniques are developed to enhance the imagination and creativity to produce more intriguing artwork. Students will observe, create, speak, think, read and write about visual art in greater depth to develop a heightened understanding of art. They will engage in art critique and art-making through the exploration of contemporary art and will address relevant issues as a 21st century learner. Students maintain a sketchbook, compile a portfolio of their artwork, and exhibit their work at school as well as in our community. Emphasis is also placed on investigating career and lifelong learning opportunities in the visual arts.
Faculty Members: Hallie Silva
AVID 7 is an elective program focused on teaching and instilling the skills and habits for academic success and is geared toward supporting first generation college bound students. AVID is an acronym that stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. This course prepares students for success in A-G, AP, and dual-enrollment classes. AVID is not an intervention or remediation, but is an accelerator for academic advancement and achievement.
AVID 8 is an elective program focused on teaching and instilling the skills and habits for academic success and is geared toward supporting first generation college bound students. AVID is an acronym that stands for Advancement Via Individual Determination. AVID is not an intervention or remediation, but is an accelerator for academic advancement and achievement. This course prepares students for success in A-G, AP, and dual-enrollment classes. AVID prepares students for success in advanced classes and success in college.
Visit the La Colina AVID website for more information about our AVID program. Please see our Staff Directory if you need to contact a teacher.
Faculty Members: Megan Cotich, Cathi Speake, Hayley Dixon-Hrehor
ENGLISH 7: In this course, students will work towards mastery of the 7th Grade Common Core English Language Arts content standards in reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language skills as they interact with a rigorous and relevant curriculum that is differentiated for the particular strengths, needs, and challenges of all students. Students read a variety of literary works from various genres, including non-fiction and informational texts, poetry, essays, plays, short stories, and novels; independently, in small groups, and as a whole class. In conjunction with reading, students complete a variety of authentic writing and communication tasks including multi-paragraph essays, creative and technology-enhanced assessments, personal responses, journal entries, poetry, multimedia presentations, online research, and formal and informal discussions. Understanding and application of grammatical concepts and usage is taught in the context of the writing process. This course is designed to provide all students with opportunities to meet and exceed grade-level content and skills, and explore the content with degrees of depth and complexity that will provide broad preparation for high school-level coursework.
ENGLISH 8: In this course, students will work towards mastery of the 8th Grade Common Core English Language Arts content standards in reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language skills as they interact with a rigorous and relevant curriculum that is differentiated for the particular strengths, needs, and challenges of all students. Students read a variety of literary works from various genres, including non-fiction and informational texts, poetry, essays, plays, short stories, and novels; independently, in small groups, and as a whole class. In conjunction with the reading, students complete a variety of authentic writing and communication tasks including multi-paragraph essays, creative and technology-enhanced assessments, personal responses, journal entries, poetry, multimedia presentations, online research, and formal and informal discussions. Understanding and application of grammatical concepts and usage is taught in the context of the writing process. This course is designed to provide all students with opportunities to meet and exceed grade-level content and skills, and explore the content with degrees of depth and complexity that will provide broad preparation for high school-level coursework.
Faculty Members: Veronica Flores, Hayley Dixon-Hrehor, Cameron Hatcher-Day, Rebecca Lowi, Rebekah Sillars, Eleanor Skladman, Cathi Speake
World Language
SPANISH 1: Recommended for college bound students as well as career-minded students. Introductory course that presents the basic elements of Spanish and the various cultures. Students begin the sequential development of skills needed to speak, read, write and understand a foreign language. Grammatical concepts covered are present tense through simple preterite tense. No previous knowledge of Spanish required.
SPANISH 2: Continuation of study in the Spanish language class is conducted at least 50% in Spanish. The ability to understand and speak the foreign language is further developed through the introduction of additional vocabulary and grammar. Recommended for college bound students. Grammar begins with simple preterite tense through subjunctive tenses. Includes more intensive reading, writing, listening and comprehension activities. Students should be able to carry on a simple conversation and read effectively with a dictionary.
SPANISH 2-NATIVE SPEAKERS: Students begin to develop competency in the Spanish skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Language is used for more meaningful communication. Grammar reviews all tenses that students are learning. Intensive study of grammar, as well as reading and writing activities. Students are expected to do a considerable amount of discussion, reading and writing on a variety of topics. Class is taught in Spanish.
Faculty Members: Sarah Ahlers, Whitney Paz
MATH 7: In Math 7, instructional time should focus on four critical areas: (1) developing understanding of and applying proportional relationships; (2) developing understanding of operations with rational numbers and working with expressions and linear equations; (3) solving problems involving scale drawings and informal geometric constructions, and working with two- and three-dimensional shapes to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume; and (4) drawing inferences about populations based on samples.
MATH 8: In Math 8, instructional time should focus on three critical areas: (1) formulating and reasoning about expressions and equations, including modeling an association in bivariate data with a linear equation, and solving linear equations and systems of linear equations; (2) grasping the concept of a function and using functions to describe quantitative relationships; (3) analyzing two- and three-dimensional space and figures using distance, angle, similarity, and congruence, and understanding and applying the Pythagorean Theorem.
COMPACTION MATH 7/8/1B: In grades 7 and 8, there is a “compaction” option (three courses in two years) for students who demonstrate evidence of handling the content, depth of knowledge, and rigor beyond the Common Core Math Standards of Math 7, Math 8 and Integrated Math I. Compaction focuses on the same Common Core State Standards content standards of the respective grade level in a faster pace. This is recommended for students who prefer acceleration over depth, complexity, and novelty. Students must possess above average mathematical computational skills with a strong conceptual understanding of grade level mathematics.
7th grade compaction students will cover the concepts taught in Math 7 and the first semester of Math 8. In 8th grade compaction, students will complete the second semester about of Math 8 and the yearlong Integrated Math I course. More information can be found on the District Course Catalog.
For details regarding recent changes to the Mathematics program, please refer to this helpful link:
Staff: Darlene Aguiar, Steve Dugan, Michelle Fomin, Liz Lomeli, Jennifer Tanner, Belinda White, Tracy Womack
Performing Arts
La Colina is proud to offer a robust selection of Performing Arts Classes, including band, jazz band, orchestra, choir, and theater. A full list of course descriptions can be found here on the District Course Catalog. Please see our Staff Directory if you need to contact a teacher.
Faculty Members: Stephen Hughes, Lisa Sueyres
Physical Education
PE 7: Students will engage in a rigorous standards based program that emphasizes complete physical fitness development. Students will be graded on improvement rather that on initial skill level. Classes are co-ed and the curriculum is based on small group and individual skills, games, problem solving, character and social-emotional development. Emphasis is placed on skill development and practice.
PE 8: Students will engage in a rigorous standards based program that emphasizes complete physical fitness development. Students will be graded on improvement rather that on initial skill level. Classes are co-ed and the curriculum is based on small group and individuals skill, games, problem solving, character and social-emotional development. Emphasis is placed on participation in team sports and the development of positive sportsmanship.
Please see our Staff Directory if you need to contact a teacher.
Faculty Members: Chrystee Bradley, Adam Hodgson, Eric Kaufmann, Mary Park, John Sprague
Science 7: This course covers the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) for the new Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) as aligned with the California Preferred Integrated model for grades 6-8. The 7th grade integrated course covers topics in Life Science, Physical Science, Earth Science, and Engineering. The theme for the year connecting the disciplines of science is "Natural processes and human activities cause energy to flow and matter to cycle through Earth's systems." Throughout the year, students will engage in deep and meaningful explorations of science through a combination of hands-on lab experiences and academic text.
Science 8: This course covers the Disciplinary Core Ideas (DCIs) for the new Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) as aligned with the California Preferred Integrated model for grades 6-8. The 8th grade integrated course covers topics in Physical Science, Earth and Space Science, and Engineering. Eighth grade students will investigate motion, forces, energy, and waves in their physical science units. These units are followed by applications of physical science in the Solar System. Throughout the year, students will engage in deep and meaningful explorations of science through a combination of hands-on lab experiences and academic text.
Please see our Staff Directory if you need to contact a teacher.
Faculty Members: Megan Cotich, Nicole Gee, Katie Hahka, Chris Hamman, Joseph Huthsing, L’aura Ulvaeus
Social Studies
Social Studies 7: Students in the 7th grade study the social, political, economic, cultural, and religious changes that occurred throughout the world during the period between 27 B.C.E. and 1789 C.E.. After reviewing the ancient world and the ways in which archaeologists and historians uncover the past, students study the history and geography of the great civilizations of Rome, China, Japan, Africa, The Middle East, Medieval /Early Modern Europe, as well as the American empires of the Maya, Aztec and Inca. Throughout the year, students will develop basic geographic literacy, reading, and writing skills, with an emphasis on understanding cause and effect relationships, trends, and repetitive themes in history. In addition to studying how to respond to essay questions and to write creatively, students experience hands-on learning as they analyze artifacts, examine primary source materials, role play, engage in simulation activities, and work cooperatively. Appropriate level instruction and materials are differentiated within the framework of the Common Core Standards for literacy in History /Social Studies. The program is closely aligned to the 7th grade history California Content Standards.
All 7th grade students at La Colina participate in a living history project. You can learn more on the project website: Walk Through the Middle Ages
Social Studies 8: The course follows the development of the United States political system by tracing the growth of its governmental institutions, historical problems, conflicts, and current issues. Beginning with an overview of American history from the arrival of the first Americans to the end of the Revolutionary War, students will begin an in depth study of the American Constitution, Manifest Destiny, Slavery, the Civil War and Reconstruction, the rise of Industrialism, and Progressivism. Throughout the course, emphasis will be placed on the contributions of many minority groups which make up the American people.
Please see our Staff Directory if you need to contact a teacher.
Faculty Members: Usha Atterbury, Kurt Bergthold, Daniel Dutton, Beth Lane, Jose Marquez, Becky Penrose,
Special Education
Course descriptions can be found here on the District Course Catalog. Please see our Staff Directory if you need to contact a teacher.
Special-Ed-Newsletter (English) (Spanish)
Faculty Members: Liz Heron, Lizette Juarez, Paul Koch, Jonathon Noriega, Dave Meister, Rose Tafoya