Junior High School

Health Office

Parent Guidelines Regarding Health Related Issues

Dear Parents and Guardians, 

A child's health status directly affects his/her productivity and success at school. There
are three factors to be considered when addressing school attendance:

  • Protection of the individual student who is ill and requires treatment.
  • Comfort of the individual student and how it affects his/her abilities to learn and achieve in school.
  • Protection of the school community from the spread of communicable diseases.
For more information, click link below: 

Contact Information

La Colina Health Office
Phone: 805-963-4338 X 3103
Location: 4025 Foothill Rd., Santa Barbara, CA 93110
Health Office Hours:  7:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Cindy Cheung, RN, District Nurse
Email: ccheung@sbunified.org

Phone: 805-963-4338 X 5226


Link to Health Services and Forms